In this post we describe the Nyström method for finding the eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of a kernel function. This has applications in a wide range of settings: from Gaussian process modeling to functional data analysis to kernel methods. We first describe the motivation in terms of finding the posterior mean of a Gaussian processes. Next we describe how having access to the eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of the kernel can help us with a faster approximate solution. We then frame the eigenproblem in terms of an integral equation and describe the Nyström method.
In many problems using kernels in machine learning, the naive solution involves inverting a matrix computed by evaluating a kernel at all combinations of observed points. For instance, say you want to estimate the posterior mean of a Gaussian process, where the prior has mean and covariance function
, where
are two time points. If
are the set of
training time with observations
is the set of test time points, then the posterior mean is
However, this involves forming the covariance matrix between all time points and inverting it, an
operation. The same issue comes up in kernel ridge regression, and very similar issues come up in other kernel settings.
A reasonable question is: can we approximate the inverse with a lower order dependence on
Approximating the Inverse
Mercer’s Theorem
The key idea towards approximating the inverse efficiently is approximating the kernel. To do so we recall Mercer’s theorem, which describes how we can express a continuous symmetric positive semi-definite kernel in terms of eigenvalues and eigenfunctions.
Theorem: (Mercer’s Theorem) Let be a continuous symmetric positive semi-definite kernel on the space
with measure
. There exists an orthonormal basis
and corresponding non-negative weights
such that
where , the eigenvalues and eigenfunctions, respectively, are the solutions to
Using Mercer’s Theorem to Approximate the Inverse
Since the in order for the series to converge, if we knew the eigenvalues and eigenfunctions we could approximate the kernel with a finite sum
We can then express the matrix
This is a sum of rank one matrices and can be cheaply inverted using Woodbury’s matrix identity. However we do not have direct access to the eigenvalues and eigenfunctions. The Nyström method involves using an approximation to the integral in order to approximate them. We can then use the approximate eigenpairs to approximate the kernel matrix as the above sum of rank one updates, which can be cheaply inverted.
Nyström Method
The Nyström method involves approximating by sampling
and then solving
Substituting with
gives us
We can then find for
, approximations to the true eigenpairs by solving for the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the scaled kernel matrix. However, we want
evaluated at arbitrary points
. We obtain this via
Putting it All Together
Recall that we have approximated the kernel with a finite sum, but we lacked
. We now have approximations to them that we can plug in from Nyström’s method. We can then compute an approximate kernel matrix using
Now recalling that
We can approximate
where the term is inexpensive to compute.